Two Bedroom Surprises

All week new items have been arriving for our primary bedroom and they have me itching to nail down a green to paint the walls. I can’t help wanting to do it all right now, right now, right now - I’m just so excited! So yesterday, rather than finish stripping and sanding my current furniture flip, I picked up seven paint samples at lunch and immediately painted swatches all over the walls of our room upon arriving home 😂

But before we get to the colors…

Look at our new sheets! Earlier this week, I fully intended to wait and share the comforter at the same time as these sheets but then things were delayed and ,like I said, I was just too excited! Anyways, here they are!

We have not bought new sheets in years and this time around, I really wanted to invest in a great quality set. I’m a hot sleeper so a couple must-haves were they needed to be soft, breathable, and have a little crisp to them. Several of you recommended Brooklinen and after just one night I can already say- y’all were right on the money with these and thankfully they didn’t totally break the bank!

Now for the greens

The green we chose for our mood board was exactly what we thought we wanted. But you never know how a color will look entirely until you have it up on the wall. There are too many factors that can influence the look of a given color:

  • Natural light

  • Artificial light

  • How the light changes throughout the day

  • The direction(s) your windows (if any) face

  • Other colors you have going on in the space

My mom always told me, when you’re painting a large area like a wall verses a piece of furniture, pick the color you like and then buy it two shades lighter. This is because most colors look a little bolder and darker when they cover such a large surface. This is a great trick and I use it virtually every time we pick a wall color.

HOWEVER, with how much painting I‘ve done at this point I feel like I’ve really honed in my sense of color. This time I felt like I knew I wanted the exact color on our mood board- not two shades lighter🤭 BUT, just to be sure, I bought a couple other sample colors anyways!

The winner…

As soon as I put the mood board color (#3) on the wall I loved it. I thought, “See?! I knew this was the one!” Buuuuut, I still had more samples so I kept going. As soon as I painted the one shade lighter (#4) I was like, “OH, I love this one even more!” After painting all the swatches, still, I was in love with those two colors the most.

In the end…… we haven’t chosen yet😅 Alex is leaning towards #3 and I am leaning more towards #4 so we painted a few larger swatches of the two around the room to better help us make the right call. When in doubt, paint a larger swatch and give it another day😊


We want to move……In a year


I’m going to gut my closet…